Krav Maga is the official hand to hand / hand to weapon tactical system taught to Israeli military & law enforcement agencies. In this seminar Craig Gray will be teaching close quarter combatives regarding protecting self and others. The seminar will address how to defend and escape both unarmed and armed attack scenarios. You'll learn simple concepts and techniques on how to better survive numerous dangerous situations. The seminar will cover progressive drills, strategies and tactics. This workshop will also discuss the effects of PTSD; the protector/defender mentality; and cross cultural conflict resolution concepts that are currently being embraced by our military regarding global operations overseas.

This seminar is open to all levels and is useful for Parents, Teachers, Security Personnel, Law Enforcement & Corrections Officers, Medical Professionals, & Martial Arts Enthusiasts.   

This program will focus on the ethics, tactics and techniques of dealing with a subject who is being difficult, dangerous or violent. We will introduce some of the most common types of threats and the defensive measures to handle them. Some of the main concepts include how to control space & reduce the duration of the engagement to regain the tactical advantage as quickly as possible.

The seminar will address the physical, psychological, emotional, strategic and tactical methods on how to defend and escape both unarmed and armed attack scenarios when protecting others.


Learn Security & 3rd Party Protection Tactics:

  • Tactical Leadership

  • Protecting Others

  • Control Points

  • Escort Positions

  • Separations

  • "Come-Alongs"

  • Dealing with Multiple Threats

  • Restraints

  • Solo & Team Tactics

  • Much More!


About the instructor: Craig Gray has over 35 years martial arts experience and is a Krav Maga Black Belt Instructor. Craig is also a Advanced Verbal Defense & Influence Instructor and a Subject Matter Expert (SME) for numerous law enforcement agencies as well as nationally syndicated Frontlines of Freedom Military/Veteran Talk Radio Show. He is one of five founding instructors with Resolution Group International a conflict resolution training organization developed for the needs of military, law enforcement and businesses. Craig is the head instructor of Ronin Martial Arts Academy, The PeaceWalker Project & Ronin Empowerment Group  organizations that teach conflict management skills to a wide variety of educational, healthcare and security professionals. Craig is also responsible for creating the MCOLES (Michigan Commission of Law Enforcement Standards) approved Krav Maga Self Defense for Law Enforcement Training Program.


Location:       Ronin Krav Maga

                      1618 Leonard NW

                      Grand Rapids, MI 49504                  


Date:            Sunday, November 19th - 2023

Time:            10am - 3pm

Cost:             $85.00 Pre-Registration CLOSED

$100.00 at Event                   

*Charges will come across from Her Survival Guide.

*The seminar will be conducted in a non-competitive, supportive environment. It is open to all adults ages 16 and older. Civilian, law enforcement and military personnel are encouraged to attend. No experience necessary. All martial arts styles welcome.